Friday, July 10, 2009

all my friends agreed, the rainy day is the best day to snoring..
today, is raining day..heavily. i've read that, this is the worst elnino would happen as it would bring frequently heavy rain and less fish...pity people who their diet r fish..

as the weather getting cool, and i became lazy to finish my cash flow, which was i have to discuss it by tomorrow or may be tonite.. i felt sleepy, got headache,backache, hungry...relax really comfort when you imagine you get 'sandwish' in ur thick blanket, with the most comfort outfit u have...aduiii aii

but the work must to get is really important as it was a work paper to impress the loan company..i wish, my job will help this people who asking me to done his cash flow..( as im newer and NO experience at all)...oh i can imagine how it felt when the victory was yours and mine..

o God give us ur love and ur guidance.Aminn

this is me...then